Saturday, January 23, 2010

It's been a year!

One year ago today Delaney was diagnosed...worst day of my life! Sorry I haven't updated. My apologies to everyone. I guess maybe it is a good thing I haven't written. No news is good news, right?
Last June, Delaney was officially taken out of the cast and fitted for a brace. Her curve was "unmeasurable" meaning it was below 10 degrees. They still had to put her under to get the mold for the brace. After the "surgery" we took the mold down the street where they made her new brace. After it was made and fitted to her, we headed back to Shriner's so they could x-ray her and make sure the brace was holding her spine straight. It was holding perfectly but it was rubbing her in some spots, so back to Prosthetics for some tweaking...whew, what a LONG day! Her brace looks just as uncomfortable as the body cast..very tight! It's very "fashionable" for a brace..LOL! It has pink & purple butterflies all over it. While she can't appreciate that right now, Mackenzie sure does:) Here she is in her new brace...

Clearly, we still have the same diapering issues...her little crack is always hanging out:) Our biggest concern is that she hardly eats...I'm guessing because the brace is so tight. She is supposed to wear it 23 hours a day...but on special occasions we have let her out for a day. She always eats so much better with it off. At 22 months she weighs a mere 18lbs 14 oz, but she has been better lately so we are hoping she will start growing soon!
I promise to keep updating. We have an appt with Shriner's on Feb 19th and I'm betting she will need to get a new brace as she is finally growing out of this one. But almost daily I am running my fingers up her spine and so far...still feels straight!! Thank you all for your worked!

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